The Creative Non-Directive Approach © (ANDC ©) is an approach created by Colette Portelance. A renowned author and speaker, Colette Portelance holds a doctorate in educational sciences from the University of Montreal and the University of Paris. The Creative Non-Directive Approach is a humanistic, relational approach; a support and accompaniment intervention that will allow you to soothe your suffering and explore the difficulties experienced in the present moment. The focus of our approach is on the here and now, like your current difficulties to become aware of your resources, your needs and your fears to see where you can regain your power in all aspects of your life. “The Creative Non-Directive Approach is a relational, professional approach of an affective nature. It promotes the development of self-love, self-respect and self-confidence. It also promotes the development of creativity, the path towards autonomy and freedom to be, while respecting the overall functioning of the human being and the rhythm of progression of the stages of his evolution, his growth and his self-creation." - Excerpt from the website of the Centre de Relation d'Aide de Montréal
The Creative Non-Directive Approach © (CNDA ©) What is it?
More about Colette Portelance , Founder of CRAM
His books published by Éditions du CRAM
More about CNDA© and CRAM